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Connettori Pogo Pin Yokowo

Yokowo Connectors

Spring Pin Connectors

The spring pin connectors absorb a high tolerance stack-up, ensure high durability and ease of attaching/detaching. A catalogue lineup of over 400 types of pins is available, as well as customization.

The catalogue lineup of SMT pins ranges from a single pin to 40 pins. Available in a wide range of heights and pin-to-pin pitches, spring pin connectors can be used in various applications such as board-to-board, charging cradle or antenna.

Main Features

Working height 2.05 mm – 8.75 mm
Pin count of 1 – 40 pins
Pitch of 2 mm, 2.5 mm, 2.54 mm and 3 mm
Slant cut plunger design for high contact stability
Easily detachable
High cycle durability
Suitable for automated placement and reflow sold
Small footprint
SMT, THT, PiP or solder cup possible
Custom designs possible

Special Specification

Waterproof rating: IPX7
High current: 10A per pin circa
High speed data transmission: Equivalent to USB 3.1Gen.2 (10Gbps)
High cycle durability: 100K cycles circa

Two Piece Connectors

Two piece connectors are suitable for the battery connection, board to board connection in rugged devices such as tablet PCs, data collection terminals or drones. The receptacle connector absorbs mating misalignment. Additionally, the floating structure absorbs shock and vibrations enabling a steady and secure power supply.

Main Features

Rated current: 3A (1A for the compact type)
Contact resistance: 30m ohm max
Operational durability: 2,000cycles
Operational ambient temperature: -40°C circa +85 °C
Pin count: 3 – 6
Misalignment absorption: ±0.5 mm (±0.3 mm for the compact type)

Special Specification

Waterproof rating: IPX7
High current: 10A per pin circa
High speed data transmission: Equivalent to USB 3.1Gen.2 (10Gbps)
High cycle durability: 100K cycles circa

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