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FFC Cable Configurator

Configure your FFC cable and send us a request

Write to us for any requirements not listed in the configurator below, or call us to speak to one of our technical-commercial consultants.

** Contact thickness Ct x Cw: 0.035x0.3, 0.035x0.5, 0.035x0.7, 0.035x0.8, 0.076x1.57, 0.1x0.3, 0.1x0.4, 0.1x0.5, 0.1x0 .7, 0.1x0.8, 0.1x1.27

Grazie della richiesta, la ricontatteremo il prima possibile!
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Contact Dimensions Ct x Cw: 0.035x0.3, 0.035x0.5, 0.035x0.7, 0.035x0.8, 0.076x1.57, 0.1x0.3, 0.1x0.4, 0.1x0.5, 0.1x0.7 , 0.1x0.8, 0.1x1.27

Certifications available for our FFC cables:

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