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Mecspe is the event to be held in Parma which will feature the manufacturing sector and industries 4.0, renewed every year thanks to the best technologies. After the record edition

Mecspe is the event to be held in Parma which will have as protagonists the manufacturing sector and industries 4.0, renewed every year thanks to the best technologies. After the record edition of 2017 which saw the participation of over 45 thousand visitors and a total of 2051 companies, the 2018 edition will be developed through eight supply chains which will include product traceability, connectivity, collaborative robotics and logistics 4.0. Mecspe is an event that combines the training aspect of company personnel and the investigation of new proposals, an opportunity for meetings between producers and sellers.

Bredi will be present with GT Contact to propose specialized solutions and to closely understand customer needs,

with awide range of waterproof connectors ideal for industrial use thanks to the optimal characteristics for use in harsh situations and/or conditions. The large quantity of solutions available allows the application in different industrial sectors:from power to signal transmission.

Connectors available in metallic versions or plastic, from 2 to 26 poles, resistant to UV rays and sealed with epoxy resins to ensure water tightness (IP68).

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