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Brady and LOTO for Workplace Safety

Brady and LOTO for Workplace Safety

Every year thousands of workers are subject to injuries that mainly derive from repair and maintenance activities of dangerous machinery and industrial equipment, even putting their

Every year thousands of workers are subject to accidents which mainly derive from repair and maintenance activities of dangerous machinery and industrialequipment, even putting their lives at risk. The cause often consists of the uncontrolled release of energy from the machinery, or from a inadvertent activation of the latter (or of thesystem) by another operator not aware of the maintenance operation in progress.

Lockout/Tagout where it became legal requirement: for this reason is the security solutions strong>, being one of the first companies to have responded to OSHA regulations in 1990. in case of intervention on the machine, protecting the operators from any risk related to the accidental restart of the systems or electrical contacts. This practice originates from the With a properly organized LOTO program, energy sources identified and readily accessible locking tools, workerswill be able to complete the maintenance intervention in an ultra-efficient manner and keeping the machinery atmaximum performance levels.Less downtime and greater productivity__________________________________________________Lower indirect costsCUSTOMIZE YOUR EQUIPMENTLower injury rates and related costsLocate and mark all energy control points (valves, switches, plugs...) with permanent labels or tags.
of Accidents can significantly impact productivity and the unexpected start-up of equipment can cause considerabledamage to the machinery itself. As a result, the company will have to add repair and replacement expenses. to Best PracticeWhy implement a Lockout/Tagout program?A 4 Efficient Lockout Program phases procedure allows the International Day for Safety at WorkOn the occasion of the 3) Equip authorized operators with Lockout tools_________________________ we present to you the European Union data show that 10-15% of fatal accidents at work and 15-20% of accidents are related tomaintenance activities. The most common include shocks and burns. your team and employees systems: the Lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedure.2) Identification and marking of everyone energy control pointsLOTO saves lives!4) Raise awareness and train operators to safer ways of workingLOTOThe Brady_________________________blocking of the energy source Define the purpose and scope of the lockout program, verify all sources of dangerous energy, describe and defineprocedure and responsibilities. The procedures serve as a control card for operators to avoid errors and reduce therisk of injury, also streamlining the lockout activity and improving productivity.In EuropeSecurity locks in non-conductive brass, locking and closing devices for valves, universal and for switches, tags,labels, lockout boxes, padlock stations and much more!Consider the staff working in a facility and identify three groups with different needs based on the role performed.Subsequently, it is advisable to organize training courses: Brady makes all its know-how available in training thecustomer's staff and preparing specific programs.1) Verification, policy and proceduresUnited States, these safety solutions have already been widely adopted by numerous multinational companies and the aim is to to spread them more and more even among the smallest entities, since in Italy the adoption of LOTO is currently highly recommended.safetyworld leader

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