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Product Range

In the BREDI product range, you will find customised cables and wiring, components, connections, mechanics for electronics, identification systems, valves and solenoids and production equipment.
The products and solutions we provide originate from in-depth research, based on our experience in the electronics sector.

Custom Products

We can provide you with components that are custom made to your requirements or the specific function they are intended to fulfil.We start from the idea, you will then examine the technical documentation and samples. We reach the manufacturing point through a collaborative path.

Components Search

Thanks to close collaboration with one of our employees working in Taiwan and China, we have access to a broad selection of components and connections manufacturers, therefore expanding the opportunities to propose specific solutions to your project.

Technical Competence

Your ideas need a technically qualified interface that understands your needs and proposes solutions, choosing the most suitable supplier and product. Once again, we assist you through the entire process: from the sample to production.

Financial Management

Strict financial management is now a daily commitment for companies. Working with BREDI allows you to have a precise production plan and optimised management of administrative and financial resources.

Logistics Management

Your material is controlled, packaged, identified and delivered when and how you decide. Together we will define shipping times and methods.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality System

You do not need to ask yourself if your key goal is quality: today it is the only one. We ensure controlled and measured processes, from the supplier selection, to fulfilling the order. Quality is a daily habit for us.

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